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Join our monthly connecting point, XM Hub, to network and gain insights from experienced church planters. Enroll in our comprehensive Basecamp course to build a solid foundation for your mission. Benefit from our matched loans plans to support your vision financially. For personalized guidance, speak directly with one of our team members by clicking below. Start your journey today and make a lasting impact!

We inspire, support and enable the planting of new churches all over our nation.

Welcome to Expansion Movement, the Church Planting branch of AoG GB.
When Jesus planted his church, he didn’t intend for it to be stationary! In Great Britain, our dream is that there will be a local Assemblies of God church in every community, as planting new churches is the most effective way to reach people with the gospel in our nation.

Someone planted the church you were saved into, and someone will be saved in the church you will plant

Launched May 2022: Life Church, Orford
Launched May 2022: Life Church, Orford


Locations in England of 50k+ population, without an AoG Church


Locations in Scotland of 10k+ population, without an AoG Church


Locations in Wales of 15k+ population, without an AoG Church.


New AOG churches envisioned to be planted by 2028

How can we help?

Churches come in all shapes and sizes, reaching people in different places, so there is no one way to plant a new church! We want to help you - whether it’s to plant a new campus of an existing church or start a brand-new church in a new location. Our team is here to help strategise, encourage and support you on your journey. Please get in touch so we can start the conversation!

Adam Islip

Misheck Manhanha

Launched Oct 2022: Power of Faith, High Wycombe
Launched Oct 2022: Power of Faith, High Wycombe

Funding the Dream

Finances are often one of the biggest obstacles to starting new churches, so we want to help overcome this by making funds available in the early stage of the church planting journey. Through provision of matched loans, we want to strategically partner with you to plant new churches and help turn the vision into reality!
Launched September 2022: Life Church, Wallasey
Launched September 2022: Life Church, Wallasey
AOG GB is partnering with a Global Assemblies of God initiative called MM33, seeking to grow from around 370,000 churches worldwide to 1 million by Pentecost 2033. That growth equates to 170% as we believe for thousands of new churches to be birthed in the coming years.
Launched October 2022: Riverside Christian Centre, Exmouth
Launched October 2022: Riverside Christian Centre, Exmouth

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